摘要 One embodiment of the present invention relates to amethod and device for teaching music: 1) The device is aimed for Theory/Solfeo teaching where two people are involved: the student and the teacher(can be any person, even with no knowledge at all about music). 2) The device consists of a box with two keyboard panels in the two ends of the box: - The keyboard panels have eight keys each marked with (DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO) and (C D E F G A B C) music notes on the top. - The teacher's side keyboard also has the sound of each note when the keys of the keyboard are pushed. - The student's keyboard panel activates a light on its corresponding key-note of the teacher keyboard when pushed. See draw #1 3) The divice has two windows each side (one for treble and another for bass clef). Two for the student and two for the teacher. The student windows have a light that is activated when a card is inserted in the slot by the teacher. See draw #1 4) The teacher side has two compartments, one for treble clef scale and other for bass clef scale. These compartments contain eight cards each one. See draw #1. 5) All the 16 cards are only one side marked. Eight are marked one end with the notes of treble scale and their relative position on the staff, the other eight cards are marked one end with the notes of bass scale and the relative position on the staff. The other end of the of the cards (same side) are marked (each one) with each note as mentioned before but also we can read the name of the note on them. All the cards are marked with an arrow (one direction) on the middle of the card showing the direction the cards will be inserted in the teacher slot. Also in the middle of the card, eight cards are marked with bass clef simbol and eight cards are marked with treble clef simbol. See draw #2 and #3. The cards are visible in the two windows at the same time when are inserted by the teacher in his/her slot. See draw #1. 6) The device also has one red button and one green button at the teacher and the student sides. See draw #1. 7) The device has also a slope shape hideout that covers the top of the teacher's windows avoiding the student to have visual access to the name of the note wich is written in the teacher cards. See draw #1.
申请公布号 CA2789422(A1) 申请公布日期 2014.03.06
申请号 CA20122789422 申请日期 2012.09.06
分类号 G09B15/00 主分类号 G09B15/00
代理机构 代理人