发明名称 Metodo para la fragmentacion de un lote de coque crudo y caliente en un recipiente receptor, comprende segmentos movibles de una placa que son desplazados entre si por encima del fondo del recipiente receptor, de modo que el lote de coque crudo se agriete formando huecos, canales y zonas limitrofes vacias adicionales en el coque en cuyo interior puede penetrar el agente refrigerante procedente de las boquillas de agente y diseño para la fragmentacion.
摘要 A method and a device for breaking up a fresh and hot coke charge in a receiving trough having mobile plate segments, the coke charge being conveyed to a quenching tower in the receiving trough of a flatbed transport car in which the coke charge is cooled down to ambient temperatures by mobile plate segments so that the coke structure is broken up and crevice-type cavities are formed in the compacted coke charge. These crevice-type cavities then allow an increased amount of water to flow into the interior of the coke charge during the subsequent quenching step, resulting in a high profitability of the method, a higher coke quality and a reduced burden on the environment due to reduced quenching times and lower water consumption. A device for carrying out the method is also disclosed.
申请公布号 CL2013001981(A1) 申请公布日期 2014.01.10
申请号 CL20130001981 申请日期 2013.07.05
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人