发明名称 System and method for sharing anonymous user profiles with a third party
摘要 The invention provides a system and method for sharing anonymous user profiles with a third party. In one aspect of the invention, the system shares user profiles with content servers on a mobile data network so that they may select content responsive to the user''s profile. The system provides a store of user profiles for associating profile information with either a source IP address or mobile phone number, where the profile includes information on the user and the user''s network usage. The system detects a user''s transaction request and inspects it for either an IP address or phone number, which it uses to retrieve the appropriate profile. The system subsequently applies predetermined opt-out policies to determine how much of the user profile may be provided in response to the profile request. The system then returns the profile information such that the user''s identity is masked.
申请公布号 US8626728(B2) 申请公布日期 2014.01.07
申请号 US12412273 申请日期 2009.03.26
申请人 发明人
分类号 G06F0017/000000;G06F0007/000000 主分类号 G06F0017/000000
代理机构 代理人