摘要 <p>The invention is a computer based method, system and software for Brands, their managers or appointed agencies (Enterprise User) to own and manage their digital media, customer relationship management (CRM), loyalty, rewards, gamification and sales channel(s) across multiple internet-enabled devices, all from a single solution or platform. These consumer devices or access points, includes but not limited to, mobile devices (internet-enabled phones, tablets), personal computers, internet-enabled outdoor displays and televisions. The method, system and software in this document is referred to as Brand Media Management System (BMIMS).The Enterprise User is able to communicate and engage their Consumer Users through the key features or functions of BMMS, which includes, but not limited to :Content, coupon, product catalogue publishing to multiple devices, social networks or online websites or mediaConsumer profile and usage tag creation, taggingPersonalized content display for the consumer userMembership, Gamification, Advocacy and RewardsMembership Card IdentificationLocation Based ApplicationRetail Rewards and Point of Sale (POS) Transaction ApplicationProduct sales and ecommerceAPIs and SDKs to integrate 3rd party applicationsAnalytics, consumer insights and recommended actionsPredictive or Forecast Advocacy, Leads or Sales OpportunitiesIt is the sum of its parts in BMMS in which a Brand or Enterprise User is able to synergistically manage the entire value chain of media content publishing, recognising and rewarding advocacy/purchases, personalization of content through customized content tagging and individual consumer profiling, gain in-depth consumer insights to create future opportunities to increase sales and run a CRM, membership loyalty program within a single system.The scope of protection and patent covers the method, deployment and interconnectivity of each module and application within a single platform or software that delivers the full brand media management capability lacking in any other systems today. The unique usage and flow of data that has been captured, tracked and used to achieve unique and holistic brand communications across all devices and platforms for Brands. BMMS is a unique comprehensive platform, software or concept offered directly to Brands to directly own and manage their digital media channels. It is the totality of the concept and a product described in this document that makes BMMS unique and proprietary.Figure la.2012 © Teo Yew Min, Adrian 1</p>
申请公布号 SG193654(A1) 申请公布日期 2013.10.30
申请号 SG20120019568 申请日期 2012.03.16
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人