发明名称 Image processing apparatus
摘要 A image processing apparatus includes a first image converting section (100-0) for converting an original image into an output resolution image, a second image converting section (100-1) for converting the original image into an intermediate resolution image, a similarity information generating section (200-1) for detecting a plurality of similar areas, in a block in the intermediate resolution image corresponding to a predetermined partial area in the output resolution image, that resemble the partial area, and for generating similarity information including a position of each of the plurality of similar areas in the intermediate resolution image and a weight of the position, a texture generating section (300-1) for generating a texture image by combining high-frequency components of the intermediate resolution image at the position according to the weight, and a texture blending section (400) for blending the output resolution image and the texture image to generate output image.
申请公布号 KR101312659(B1) 申请公布日期 2013.09.27
申请号 KR20070009454 申请日期 2007.01.30
申请人 发明人
分类号 H04N7/01 主分类号 H04N7/01
代理机构 代理人