发明名称 Distributed computer system snapshots and instantiation thereof
摘要 Distributed computer systems prepare and instantiate snapshots by processing sets of nodes representing computer resources that are portions of a larger system. A user may choose to prepare or instantiate a snapshot containing all or only a portion of the data within the distributed computer system, such as a template of the distributed computer system. A template snapshot may be available in an electronic marketplace for other users to purchase and instantiate into a replica of the distributed computer system.
申请公布号 US8543547(B1) 申请公布日期 2013.09.24
申请号 US13236347 申请日期 2011.09.19
申请人 发明人
分类号 G06F0007/000000 主分类号 G06F0007/000000
代理机构 代理人