发明名称 System and method for directionally radiating sound
摘要 A method of operating an audio system that provides audio radiation to a plurality of listening positions includes providing at least one source of audio signals. At each listening position, at least one array of speaker elements is provided. A filter is provided between the at least one source and at least one of the speaker elements at a first listening position. The filter is optimized so that the filter reduces acoustic energy radiated from the first array to at least one other listening position of the plurality of listening positions, compared to acoustic energy radiated from the first array to the first listening position.
申请公布号 US8483402(B2) 申请公布日期 2013.07.09
申请号 US11780461 申请日期 2007.07.19
申请人 发明人
分类号 H04B0001/000000;H04B0003/000000;H04R0001/000002;H04R0005/000002 主分类号 H04B0001/000000
代理机构 代理人