发明名称 Proton beam therapy control system
摘要 A tiered communications architecture for managing network traffic in a distributed system. Communication between client or control computers and a plurality of hardware devices is administered by agent and monitor devices whose activities are coordinated to reduce the number of open channels or sockets. The communications architecture also improves the transparency and scalability of the distributed system by reducing network mapping dependence. The architecture is desirably implemented in a proton beam therapy system to provide flexible security policies which improve patent safety and facilitate system maintenance and development.
申请公布号 US8473608(B2) 申请公布日期 2013.06.25
申请号 US12861508 申请日期 2010.08.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 G06F0015/000173;A61N0005/000000 主分类号 G06F0015/000173
代理机构 代理人