发明名称 Efficient linking and loading for late binding and platform retargeting
摘要 A method of producing an executable image from an object file without shared library support from the operating system, wherein the executable image requires a shared library file in order to resolve at least one of the symbols called for in the object file. A method of optimizing the loading of a previously linked file into working memory in a computer for executing in a single address space of the working memory, the file containing an instruction to make an indirect jump to a location in a shared library through an import section of the file. A method for optimizing the loading of a previously linked file into working memory in a computer for executing in a single address space of the working memory, the file containing plural sections with number-filled padding between the end of each section and a succeeding page boundary. A method of optimizing the loading of a previously linked file into working memory in a computer for executing in a memory sharable with other executables. This method includes selecting a portion of code in the previously linked file, removing the portion of code from the previously linked file, and constructing a dynamically linked library file containing the portion of the code, the dynamically linked library file being available to plural files including the previously linked-file. A method of converting an image which has been previously linked for executing in an unshared memory into an image optimized for use with virtual memory.
申请公布号 US8434099(B2) 申请公布日期 2013.04.30
申请号 US20050136246 申请日期 2005.05.23
分类号 G06F13/00;G06F7/00;G06F17/30;G06Q40/00 主分类号 G06F13/00
代理机构 代理人