发明名称 Pricing system and method for utility consumptions within a smart grid
摘要 <p>Pricing method for utility consumptions within a smart grid comprising a plurality of utility meters (U1-U8) each connected to at least one utility management center (P1-P3) through an intermediate data concentrator (C1-C4), the method comprising the steps of: - receiving, from each utility management center (P1-P3), at least a tariff table comprising at least one time interval [DT1, DT2] per 24 hours, and a rate associated to said time interval, - selecting, by said data concentrator, the lowest rate for each time interval [DT1, DT2] among the rates of all time intervals of all tariff tables, - receiving, from said utility meter, utility meter messages DTup u,c , each comprising: a metering data measurement DTup reported by the utility meter which sent this message DTup u,c , its utility meter identifier Uid, a data concentrator identifier DCid and a management center identifier Pid, - determining, on the basis of one or several metering data measurements DTup, a metering counter differential consumption value ”CPT calculated by difference of two metering counter consumption indexes CPT measured by the utility meter within a time period interval ”T, - assigning to said consumption value ”CPT the utility management center suggesting the lowest rate for the time period interval ”T, - establishing, for each management center, a report containing at least the metering counter differential consumption value ”CPT together with the utility meter identifier Uid to which this value ”CPT refers, - sending said report from said data concentrator to this utility management center.</p>
申请公布号 EP2565586(A1) 申请公布日期 2013.03.06
申请号 EP20110179338 申请日期 2011.08.30
分类号 G01D4/00;H02J13/00;H04L9/32 主分类号 G01D4/00
代理机构 代理人