发明名称 Fibrous-Composite Material-Based MEMS Optical Scanner
摘要 MEMS can be fabricated from fibers without the use of a matrix material. Devices can be built where fibers are attached only at a substrate edge (e.g. cantilevers, bridges). Motions can be controlled by adjusting the linkage between multiple fibers with weak coupling (e.g. base, tip, in-between). Driving mechanisms include base-forcing (magnetics, piezo, electrostatics) or tip forcing (magnetics). Mirrors may be formed on free ends of cantilevers to form optical scanners.
申请公布号 KR101236002(B1) 申请公布日期 2013.02.21
申请号 KR20077001613 申请日期 2005.06.24
申请人 发明人
分类号 B81B3/00;G02B26/08;G02B26/10 主分类号 B81B3/00
代理机构 代理人