发明名称 Adaptable pressure writing instrument holder
摘要 A hand held adaptable pressure writing instrument holder for those persons with physical writing disabilities. The one piece unit is formed of a resilient material and contains a central core instrument path consisting of a circular bore hole with several flat slits enabling the insertion of a variety of instruments and adaptation to varying shapes. The body consists of a palm rest of oval egg shape which curves forward and under terminating in a perpendicular planar surface projection of sufficient size to allow for finger placement on this upper shelf. A vertical gripping surface connects the upper shelf to another lower perpendicular planar surface in parallel with the first. The planar surfaces include a compound bevel downward and with a decided right or left hand slope. The elements from the top palm rest to the lower planar surface are volute in nature forming a right or left-hand spiral. At the rear of the device, the palm rest curves aft and under terminating in the beveled vertical detent. The hand specific side, the right side in this case, forms a concave surface for a distance necessary to accommodate fingers, joints, knuckles, or hand webbing between finger joints, then flaring outward joining the lower planar surface. From the upper rear bevel detent, the back forms a slightly convex surface as it connects with the bottom. The body and instrument path is reversible and exposes the larger circumference area of the palm rest along with other control surfaces.
申请公布号 US5180239(A) 申请公布日期 1993.01.19
申请号 US19910652067 申请日期 1991.02.07
分类号 B43K23/004 主分类号 B43K23/004
代理机构 代理人