发明名称 Wind power generation system
摘要 WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Abstract A power generation coupler comprising: (a) at least one generator responsive to a generator drive shaft (81); (b) at least one gyrator element (84) adjustably coupled to said generator drive shaft (81); (c) at least one non-rotational gyrator support element (92) securing said gyrator element (84) to at least one coupler drive shaft track (95) spanning a rotating element such that said gyrator element (84) is adjustable along said rotating element's surface; (d) at least one load engagement device (74) responsive to a coupler controller (76) so as to load and/or un-load said gyrator element (84) onto the surface of said rotating element in response to at least one output parameter; and (e) at least one gyrator position calibrator (110) to which said coupler drive shaft track (95) is responsive and responsive to said coupler controller (76) so as to dynamically adjust said gyrator element (84) adjustably coupled to at least one generator drive shaft (81) along the surface of said rotating element in response to at least one output parameter.
申请公布号 AU2012216636(A1) 申请公布日期 2012.09.20
申请号 AU20120216636 申请日期 2012.09.04
分类号 F03D1/00 主分类号 F03D1/00
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