发明名称 Pendulum level ride universal seat
摘要 1. The prime object of the P.L.R.U. seat is to allow the seat to remain level and the operator upright, when traversing a side hill, slope or valley. 2. A problem exists with prior art seats available today, as the seat tips sideways with the vehicle, making it difficult to remain on the seat without hanging on to the fender or bracing with the feet. 3. By using a self locking sleeve bearing to hang the seat in a pendulum fashion, allows the seat to remain level, and thereby a more comfortable and safe condition, with hands and feet free to operate the controls. 4. Incorporating a lift and lowering device allows mounting the seat on a wide variety of both new and old vehicles. No other prior art seat has taken this universal approach for replacement seats.
申请公布号 US2012161485(A1) 申请公布日期 2012.06.28
申请号 US20100930095 申请日期 2010.12.28
分类号 B60N2/39;B60N2/005;B60N2/02;B60N2/04;B60N2/10;B60N2/24 主分类号 B60N2/39
代理机构 代理人