发明名称 Device for producing useful electricity from jetstreams
摘要 A device for producing electricity from jet streams, made of a part which is found at heights where the jet streams flow, this device gets the wind's energy by sails or wings that are in it, and turns it to energy, which can be used on the face of the earth, and it is also made of a second part, which fixes the first part to the ground and which bears itself by means of a floating in the air, and an additional part is attached at the top of the second part and stretches it upward against its inclining by the wind's pressure on the first part, and this device gets the maximal wind's energy at every moment by moving the sails at a speed of between less than a third, and a half of the wind's speed (or moving the fans in a velocity that has a horizontal component suited to this).
申请公布号 EP1731759(A3) 申请公布日期 2012.03.14
申请号 EP20050107140 申请日期 2005.08.02
分类号 F03D5/00;F03D5/02;F03D11/04 主分类号 F03D5/00
代理机构 代理人