发明名称 System and method for using a workspace data manager to access, manipulate and synchronize network data
摘要 <p>A system includes a communication module for downloading workspace data (135) from a remote site, an application program interface coupled to the communications module for communicating with a workspace data manager (160) to enable manipulation of the downloaded workspace data and thereby create manipulated data, and a general synchronization module (130) coupled to the communications module for synchronizing the manipulated data with the workspace data (135) stored at the remote site. An instantiator requests the workspace data manager to provide an interface for enabling manipulation of the downloaded workspace data. The workspace data manager may create another instance of the interface or may provide access to its only interface to enable manipulation of the data. A data reader may translate the downloaded workspace data from the format used by the remote site to the format used by the workspace data manager. Upon logout, the de-instantiator synchronizes the data with the global server and deletes workspace data. The system handles the situation where the data stored at the remote site has not changed therefore includes the downloaded data, and the situation the data stored at the remote site has been modified and therefore is different than the downloaded data.</p>
申请公布号 EP2048586(B1) 申请公布日期 2012.03.14
申请号 EP20090150400 申请日期 1999.01.15
分类号 G06F17/30;G06F9/46;G06F12/00 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人