发明名称 Control group of a second-stage regulator for scuba divers
摘要 <p>A group for the control of a second-stage regulator for scuba divers, the regulator comprising a regulator body (1) with an inlet conduit (2) for connection to a first-stage regulator which supplies a breathable gaseous mixture at a constant pressure and an outlet conduit (3) for connection to a mouthpiece of the user. The group comprises a first bushing (10) defining an intermediate chamber (22) with a bottom wall (11) wherein a central hole (11a) is formed, a poppet (8) loosely engaged within the hole (11a), the end (9) of the poppet being connected to lever means, a second bushing (14) engaged in the first bushing and defining an inlet chamber (21) and a third bushing (17) engaged in the second bushing and defining a regulator seat (18) at one of its ends. The head (20) of the poppet engages tightly in the seat (18) and elastic means (23) are provided coaxial to the poppet in the intermediate chamber for maintaining the head against the regulator seat, the group being removably engaged in the inlet conduit (2).</p>
申请公布号 EP1500584(B1) 申请公布日期 2012.03.07
申请号 EP20040425555 申请日期 2004.07.23
分类号 A61K9/06;B63C11/22 主分类号 A61K9/06
代理机构 代理人