发明名称 Method and apparatus for text data input with an alphanumeric keypad for an electronic device
摘要 An alphanumeric keyboard is provided which includes a 3×4 key button configuration and five function keys. The 3×4, 12 key button and five function keys configuration provides optimal space for the user to conveniently press the desired keys for inputting text into a portable electronic device. The alphanumeric keypad minimizes the number of key presses to input a text message by organizing the alphabet in the order that the characters are most frequently used. To reduce the number of repeated key presses the keys designated by numerals 2-8 each display two alphabet characters, and keys 9, 0, *, and # each display three alphabet characters. The keypad offers two methods of text input via portable communication devices: 1) the conventional multi-tap method of text input; 2) the Alpha mode method. The conventional multi-tap technique is based on the number of taps, or presses, on a given key, which specifies the desired letter on the key being tapped. For example, to input the alphabet letter “A” the user would tap the key designated by numeral 2, and also displays abc, i.e., 2-ABC. As “A” first letter displayed the user taps once to input the letter “A”, to input the alphabet letter “B” the user would tap the 2 key twice, and to input the alphabet letter “C” the user would tap the 2 key three times. Thus, several key taps are required to input a common word or message, resulting in unnecessary delay. In the Alpha mode method, the key designated by the numeral 1 displays the Alpha key (α), when pressed Alpha mode is activated. In Alpha mode the alphabet letter corresponding to the first letter displayed on a selected key is input by a user by pressing the corresponding key once. An alphabet letter corresponding to the second letter displayed on a selected key is input by a user by first pressing the Alpha key and secondly pressing the corresponding key to input the selected second letter. An alphabet letter corresponding to the third letter displayed on a selected key is input by a user by first pressing the Alpha key and secondly pressing the corresponding key to input the third letter. This method reduces delay and creates an intuitive method for the user to input alphanumeric symbols in a portable electronic device; the most frequently used letters associated with text communication are all accessible in one key press. It is contemplated that the portable electronic device includes a controller, controlling input of an alphanumeric symbol when a user first presses one of the plurality of function key buttons and second presses a designated key that corresponds to a selected symbol, as well as subsequent key presses.
申请公布号 US2011304483(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.12.15
申请号 US20100802665 申请日期 2010.06.10
分类号 H03K17/94 主分类号 H03K17/94
代理机构 代理人