发明名称 Activation of the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway in the therapy of diseases
摘要 Alternative cellular energy pigments (ACE-pigments) provide a source of cellular energy other than that provided through the oxidative metabolism of foods, or in the case of plants and certain bacteria, through the process of photosynthesis. In some patients, ACE pigments exist in a form that can be further energized or activated using ultraviolet (UV) light, especially if the reaction is initially triggered by the presence of suitable dyes, such as neutral red. An alternative method has been described to activate the ACE pathway in humans and animals deprived of ACE by using natural or man-made sources of ACE products (enerceuticals), with or without the inclusion of a suitable dye, such as neutral red; and applying the material(s) to the skin, either directly or separated by an impermeable barrier; and illuminating the enerceutical with a UV light source. The process of activating the ACE pathway is evidenced by UV inducible fluorescence seen within areas of the patients' skin and/or mucus membranes. This fluorescence fades as the ACE pathway becomes fully activated. The present patent application shows that neutral red by itself in ethyl alcohol can be used as a suitable enerceutical. Activating the ACE pathway can have therapeutic benefits in various infectious and non-infectious diseases.
申请公布号 US2011306917(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.12.15
申请号 US20100802605 申请日期 2010.06.09
分类号 A61N5/06 主分类号 A61N5/06
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