发明名称 method for measuring of QT, QRS, ST -T-intervals of cardiocycle
摘要 A method for measuring of QT, QRS, ST -T-intervals of cardiocycle, according to which the electromagnetic signals of heart are registered by means of the registration module for electromagnetic signals of the heart, after that the preliminary signal filtration is made, averaging and preparation to the analysis by means of the module of preliminary signal preparation. After the transformations are analyzed and recognized by means of the module and signal analysis, and the final treatment is made using the module for calculation of QT, QRS, ST- T-intervals of cardiocycle duration, which are the markers of electric instability of myocardium. In the process of registration of heart electromagnetic signals the magnetic sensors of the module for registration of heart electromagnetic signals, which distinguish the magnetic constituent of electromagnetic heart signals are used, and the changes of magnetic-field is registered in one plane above the thorax of patient. At the analysis and recognition of data by means of the module for transformation and analysis of signals the one-moment charts are built for magnetic-field using heart magnetic signals, registered and preliminary treated, and the reverse task is solved with the construction of one-moment charts of distribution of vectors of current density of sources which eliminate the registered magnetic signals. Also each map is represented with a temporal interval no more than 4 milliseconds and before final treatment by means of the module for calculation of total current density the distribution of vectors of current density is calculated for each chart, one-moment values of total current density during the temporal interval of all cardiocycle or its separate areas. At final treatment, at calculation of duration of QT, QRS, ST-T- intervals of cadriocycle, beginning and end of temporal interval are considered as the moment of time, when the curve of change of total current density value arrives at or crosses the line of zero values.
申请公布号 UA65504(U) 申请公布日期 2011.12.12
申请号 UA20110005651U 申请日期 2011.05.04
分类号 A61B5/0452 主分类号 A61B5/0452
代理机构 代理人