发明名称 Automated infection control surfaces
摘要 The invention is an automated infection control surface, which may be placed on the sole of a shoe or on the ground in the form of a floor mat/tile. The invention is composed of a series of individual light sources or LEDs (light emitting diodes) capable of emitting ultraviolet sanitizing light. When in the format of a shoe, there is an electronic switch in the form of a pressure sensor which is triggered when the operator's foot is planted within the shoe and standing firmly on the ground. When the pressure sensor is triggered the electrical current passes from the power source to the light sources or LEDs and illumination of sanitizing light occurs. When the shoe is lifted off the ground and when there is no weight or pressure within the shoe, the pressure sensor is turned off and the LEDs turn off. In this way the shoe is only capable of triggering UV microbicidal activity when the sole is flush to the ground, thus preventing inadvertent UV light scatter and potential skin and eye damage. The invention may also be composed in an array like fashion in the form of a floor mat or tile, such that the LEDs are oriented upwardly to shine towards the sole of the operator's shoe, but always concealed underneath the shoe. In either embodiment the LEDs are turned off when there is no weight on the sole of the shoe or floor mat/tile. Both embodiments of the invention could also be used simultaneously to provide maximum sterilization activity.
申请公布号 US2011286882(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.11.24
申请号 US20100800693 申请日期 2010.05.20
分类号 A61L2/08;A61L2/24 主分类号 A61L2/08
代理机构 代理人