发明名称 Modular windmill
摘要 The wind turbine is the best clean energy technology on land. The prior art of the wind powered turbine involves large towers and access to high winds and open land. Those blades require technological maintenance, sometimes of a high order. Large turbines serve well the purpose to provide whole communities of people with electric power. However, he wind turbine here provided needs no tower, high winds nor open acres. The appliance adapts to vertical or horizontal placement. It can be located on or near the ground on any surface stable enough to hold it. Its unique sail design takes advantage of small winds. The maintenance can be done by any competent mechanic. In the long run, the windmill turbine may pay for itself with electric economy and may begin to pay the owner from the grid.
申请公布号 US2011274558(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.11.10
申请号 US20110930396 申请日期 2011.01.06
分类号 F01D25/00 主分类号 F01D25/00
代理机构 代理人