发明名称 System, method, and apparatus for generating grayscales in an LCD panel
摘要 Discussed herein is a circuit for generating grayscales in a display. The circuit generally comprises grayscale values, one of which is a present grayscale value. Also included is at least one grayscale pattern, comprising at least one pattern bit and corresponding to each of the grayscale values. The circuit may comprise at least one programmable register configured to store at least one grayscale pattern, and a first row multiplexor corresponding to the number of grayscale values, the first row multiplexor configured to receive a pattern bit from each grayscale pattern. The first row multiplexor may also be collectively configured to select a desired grayscale pattern, determined from the present grayscale value. The pixel select circuit is generally configured to determine a desired pattern bit. Finally, a second row multiplexor is coupled to the first row multiplexor and configured to select the desired pattern bit.
申请公布号 US8022909(B2) 申请公布日期 2011.09.20
申请号 US20040008071 申请日期 2004.12.08
分类号 G09G3/36 主分类号 G09G3/36
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