发明名称 Detecting Degradation in Domestic heating System Performance
摘要 A method and apparatus 110 for detecting degradation in the performance of a heating system 100 indicative of failure in the heating system, comprises: Means, such as boiler controller 102, for receiving heating system control data indicative of a heating system in a property being turned on and turned off; receiving an energy consumption signal indicative of the energy consumption of the property preferably from a n energy sensor 104 such as a current clamp or smart meter; a correlator 112 used for correlating the received energy consumption signal with the received heating system control data to determine an energy consumption signature of the heating system when being turned on and turned off; using a detector 114 to compare the determined energy consumption signature with previously obtained energy consumption signatures, stored in a memory 116, to detect differences in the determined signature that are indicative of degradation of heating system performance indicative of impending heating system failure. Preferably, by wireless communication such as the internet, warning the user that the degradation in performance has occurred.
申请公布号 GB2478117(A) 申请公布日期 2011.08.31
申请号 GB20100003091 申请日期 2010.02.24
分类号 G05B23/02 主分类号 G05B23/02
代理机构 代理人