发明名称 Method for manufacturing simulated bamboo
摘要 This invention pertains to a method for preparing simulated bamboo from metal tubing that includes the following steps: (1) preparing a plurality of short segments of metal tubing; (2) creating a tapered wide opening on one end of each segment of metal tubing; (3) cutting an acute angle on the tapered wide opening; (4) longitudinally aligning two segments together by inserting the straight end of one segment into the tapered end of the second segment; (5) applying a flux to the joint of said segments; (6) joining the two short segments together; and, (7) grinding the outer surface of the joint to create a smooth surface. When the metal tubing is made of copper, or steel with copper-based metallic paint applied thereto, an oxidizing agent may be applied to the joint and the outer surfaces of the two short segments to product a circular black line around the joint and a green, brown color surface that simulates bamboo. When the metal tubing is made of steel, the segments are welded together. Paint is then applied to the outer surfaces or to the joint to simulate bamboo.
申请公布号 US8006366(B1) 申请公布日期 2011.08.30
申请号 US20060634542 申请日期 2006.12.05
分类号 B23P25/00 主分类号 B23P25/00
代理机构 代理人