发明名称 Formulation process to obtain fuel granules comprises e.g. identifying plant raw material from biomass for selecting candidate components, chemical analysis of candidate components and studying physical characteristics of components
摘要 <p>Formulation process to obtain fuel granules from biomass comprises: identifying plant raw material from biomass for selecting candidate components (A); chemical and thermo-chemical analysis of (A); studying the physical characteristics of (A); establishing a summarizing table of chemical, thermochemical and physical characteristic of (A); selecting among (A) of a base product; regulating and optimizing the melting temperature of ash and corrosivity and toxicity of smoke; optimizing granulation process of base/mineral core product mixture; and control testing by large scale combustion. Formulation process to obtain fuel granules from biomass comprises: identifying the plant raw material that is any locally available biomass for selecting candidate components that can be used for fabrication of fuel granules; chemical and thermo-chemical analysis of candidate components thus selected; studying the physical characteristics of candidate compounds; establishing a summarizing table of chemical, thermochemical and physical characteristic of candidate components; selecting from summarizing table and among the candidate components of a base product containing one or generally at least two base components to be mixed for obtaining, after granulation, fuel granules; regulating and optimizing by analyzing the established summary table, the melting temperature of ash and corrosivity and toxicity of smoke derived from combustion of the base product by adding a mixture of mineral additive core; optimizing the process of granulation of base/mineral core product mixture; and control testing by large scale combustion.</p>
申请公布号 FR2953852(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.06.17
申请号 FR20090059053 申请日期 2009.12.16
分类号 C10L5/44;C10B53/02;C10B57/12 主分类号 C10L5/44
代理机构 代理人