发明名称 Method of photosensitizer activation, treatment method with application of activated photosensitizer and photosensitizer application to prepare medicine
摘要 The invention relates to a method of activating a photosensitizer, wherein for the photosensitizer nanoparticles of a catalyst capable of catalyzing the production of active oxygen (1) is selected, which is further subjected to irradiation by light (5). Preferably, heterocrystal minerals are used as a source of nanoparticles. Preferably, the photosensitizer is combined with a liquid (3), to which a suitable amount of oxygen gas (4) is added. Still preferably, the photosensitizer is chemically coupled to a DNA-molecule and a suitable anti-metabolic agent. The invention further relates to a method for treating a health disorder using activated photosensitizer provided in nanoparticle form, whereby the activated nanoparticle photosensitizer is administered to a recipient (7).
申请公布号 KZ24152(B) 申请公布日期 2011.06.15
申请号 KZ20080001577 申请日期 2006.10.27
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人