发明名称 Integrated Bird-Aircraft Strike Prevention System - IBSPS
摘要 An airborne apparatus that employs an advanced computer to analyze bird and aircraft positioning data, programmed to issue a warning about an impending strike, thereby creating the ultimate Bird-Aircraft Strike Prevention System. This system will constantly process the bird positioning data gathered by the Radar/Infrared sensors. In case of a bird-aircraft strike danger the system will immediately alert the pilot as well as Air Traffic Control, and, compute the necessary course correction required to avoid the collision. The advantages of the system include the ability to prevent bird strikes and instantaneously compute an alternative course or action necessary to avoid the bird-aircraft impact. Additionally, because the IBSPS is capable of being airborne, the aircraft will be protected from bird-strikes throughout the entire flight, even in absence of ground systems. Furthermore, the ability to integrate all IBSPS equipped airplanes significantly increases area coverage and enhances the safety of Air Traffic System.
申请公布号 US2011125349(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.05.26
申请号 US20100951048 申请日期 2010.11.21
分类号 B64D45/00;G01S13/93 主分类号 B64D45/00
代理机构 代理人