发明名称 Method and system for modification of an unlocked record of a database by interacting processes
摘要 <p>Method and system for modification of an unlocked record of a database by interacting processes, whereby a first process (S1) accesses the record and locks (D1) it, then checks (D11) if the record is marked for post-processing. In case the record is not marked for post-processing the first process (S1) proceeds to the following actions: performs (D3) the operations on the record, unlocks (D31) the record and terminates (D32). In case the record is marked for post-processing the first process (S1) performs the following steps: sets (D2) the flag to a predefined first state which denotes that post-processing is due, performs (D21) the operations to the record and saves them, unlocks (D22) the record, calls (D23) a second process (S2) and terminates (D24). In said case that the record is marked for post-processing, the second process (S2) performs the following steps: performs (D4) further operations to the record and saves them, sets (D41) the flag to a predefined second state which denotes that post-processing is done and terminates (D42).</p>
申请公布号 EP2112607(B1) 申请公布日期 2011.05.25
申请号 EP20080007980 申请日期 2008.04.25
分类号 G06F17/30 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人