发明名称 Process for the manufacture of a foot-and-mouth disease vaccine containing a live virus
摘要 <p>A foot and mouth disease vaccine containing live virus is prepared by the serial passage of a virulent foot-and-mouth disease virus at 36 to 38 DEG C. through embryonic cell cultures containing Hanks' or Earle's solution, lactalbumin hydrolysate serum and embryonic cells obtained by the trypsinization of an organ of an embryo of a hoofed animal, until the virus is so modified that when parenterally injected into a hoofed animal it is non-pathogenic towards the animal and produces in the animal an immunizing action similar to that of the pathogenic virus. The attenuated virus may then be further cultivated in a primary cell culture containing Hanks' or Earle's solution, lactalbumin hydrolysate, serum and cells obtained by the trypsinization of an organ of a hoofed animal e.g. kidneys of freshly slaughtered calves.</p>
申请公布号 GB1039614(A) 申请公布日期 1966.08.17
申请号 GB19630020030 申请日期 1963.05.20
分类号 A61K39/135 主分类号 A61K39/135
代理机构 代理人