发明名称 Joint range of motion measurement device and mobility enhancer
摘要 One embodiment of a multi-functional device for measuring joint range of motion of the wrist and forearm. In general, the embodiment includes a casing (20) containing fluid (23), and a plural number of calibration scale (24) assemblies. The casing (20) is sized appropriately to be gripped in a user's hand, and enables the user to obtain an assessment of his or her range of motion as various motions are performed. Specifically, the various motions made by the user while gripping the embodiment causes fluid (23) to shift inside of casing (20) as a reaction to the downward pull of gravity. The user obtains an instant visual measurement of joint range of motion by viewing the location of fluid (23) on the calibration scale (24) assemblies. The overall design empowers the user to measure his or her own range of motion, which engages him or her as he or she works to re-gain mobility, and provides a positive motivating influence. The device is also suitable for use when performing exercises and stretches. The device is intuitive, portable, and requires no medical training to use. Other embodiments are described and shown.
申请公布号 US7942785(B1) 申请公布日期 2011.05.17
申请号 US20080221587 申请日期 2008.08.05
分类号 A63B21/00 主分类号 A63B21/00
代理机构 代理人