发明名称 System and method for managing online advertisements
摘要 A system for managing online advertisements, comprising a network-connected communications interface adapted to receive information from an end user interface and from an advertiser interface, an advertising server coupled to the communications interface, a pricing server coupled to the advertising server and to the communications interface, and a database coupled to the advertising server and the pricing server, wherein the pricing server, upon receiving a request for a price for a proposed online advertisement pertaining to a specific advertisement category from an advertiser interface, computes a price based at least in part on an indicia of available supply of advertisements pertaining to the category, said indicia obtained from the database, and provides the computed price to the requesting advertiser interface, and wherein the advertising server, on receiving a request for online advertisements pertaining to a particular advertisement category from an end user interface, retrieves all or a substantial portion of advertisements pertaining to the advertising category from the database and provides the retrieved advertisements or links thereto to the requesting end user interface, and wherein the advertising server further provides indicia pertaining to an order or method of display to be used in presenting the retrieved advertisements at the requesting end user interface, the indicia provided determined at least in part based on user-specific information stored in the database, is disclosed.
申请公布号 US2011099076(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.04.28
申请号 US20090589817 申请日期 2009.10.28
分类号 G06Q30/00 主分类号 G06Q30/00
代理机构 代理人