发明名称 Secure Data Storage Apparatus and Method
摘要 More and more personal or confidential information is stored in storage devices such as but not limited to, laptops, cell phones or USB keys, which are mobile per essence. Due to their mobility, such devices tend to be left unattended or even be lost, compromising the security of the data. This invention is a method to prevent access to the data on a mobile storage device when the intended recipient or user is not in closed range. The invention relies on the use of wireless communication protocol such as but not limited to RF, Bluetooth or Wi-fi to pair a security device with the storage device to enable its functionality. When the security device is not in communication range of the storage device, the data is made inaccessible. A data storage device may include a wireless communication interface used to secure the data, wherein the data storage is partitioned, with each partition having a different security profile.
申请公布号 US2011093958(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.04.21
申请号 US20100909725 申请日期 2010.10.21
分类号 G06F21/24 主分类号 G06F21/24
代理机构 代理人