发明名称 Methods and Systems for Improving the Security of Password-Based Authentication Protocols for IEEE 802.11 Networks
摘要 A password element is generated for a station running an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) or a Finite Field Cryptography (FFC) group based password authenticated protocol. A password element is multiplied by a cofactor to generate a modified password element for the ECC group. The station verifies that the modified password element is not equal to a point at infinity for the ECC group. A password element is generated by exponentiating a password value to a power t, where t=(p−1)/r, p and r are primes, and r has a bit length of at least 160 bits for the FFC group. A commit-element parameter is generated using a temporary secret value and the ECC modified password element or the FFC password element, and is then transmitted to another station in a commit message. The receiving station checks if the received commit-element parameter has desired properties before continuing with the protocol.
申请公布号 US2011087884(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.04.14
申请号 US20100896243 申请日期 2010.10.01
分类号 H04L9/32 主分类号 H04L9/32
代理机构 代理人