摘要 A mechanization complex for formation of holes includes basic construction, drive mechanism and penetration device that is arranged with two sections, leader and outer ones, placed concentrically, movable in turn from mechanism with alternating action or together in fixed to each other state, equipped with set of radially telescopic drive pipes that differ in length, and means for supply of portion of curing mix. The basic construction is arranged in set of loaded platform and guide frame installed on it to which a movable along the axis drive mechanism is installed, this by means of the body and coupling disc is connected to pressing hydro-cylinders, and through it sections go in free way, with elongation branches with which those are equipped. The coupling disc holds holders that are radially telescopic from coupling hydro-cylinders with possibility of fixation to elongation branches. On the body hydro-drive is installed, automated control cabinet and four end switches, one of those switches hydro-drive to reverse stroke of pressing hydro-cylinders and coup[ling hydro-cylinders from contact with contact element installed on coupling disc, two end switches that switch to working stroke, through mechanism of alternating action, hydro-cylinders for pressing permanently, and coupling hydro-cylinders with alternation for holding to respective sections, fourth end switch, for disconnection of hydro-drive from contact to replaceable contact element that is installed on elongation branches of outer section as multiple of pitch of penetration device. On the body of drive mechanism and branches for elongation of leader section support elements are provided with possibility of joint rest. To branches of elongation of external section telescopic support elements are installed radially with possibility of resting on drive pipe at moved out from it position of penetration device by given number of steps, and elongation branches of leader section are connected with drive cable-block system to guide frame to which supports are attached, those are placed according to lengths of drive pipes and pitch of penetration device. The supports are made of two parts, the upper and the lower ones, that are rotationally movable one with respect to another in cross planes with possibility of placement of support lugs between those, arranged on the body of drive mechanism, and sections in folded state are fixed to each other with pin joint of elongat9on branches. The technical result is in increase of effectiveness of construction of pile foundations in broader hydro-geological conditions.
申请公布号 UA94159(C2) 申请公布日期 2011.04.11
申请号 UA20090010755 申请日期 2009.10.26
分类号 E02D7/20 主分类号 E02D7/20
代理机构 代理人