发明名称 Leak Detection Apparatus
摘要 An apparatus and method for liquid leak detection includes a first and second flexible members each constructed of an electrically conductive material that is in a normally open circuit state. Also included is a liquid wicking permeable surrounding sidewall that is positioned adjacent to the first and second flexible members, the liquid permeable surrounding sidewall is constructed of a non electrically conductive material. Operationally, the liquid wicking permeable surrounding sidewall becomes electrically conductive when a liquid is present in the liquid wicking permeable surrounding sidewall, facilitating the first and second flexible members to move to a closed circuit state that results in a perceptible output. Additionally, included is a liquid permeable planar web reinforcing element that is oriented adjacent to the liquid wicking permeable surrounding sidewall wherein the liquid permeable planar web reinforcing element is oppositely disposed of the first and second flexible members.
申请公布号 US2011067486(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.03.24
申请号 US20090564049 申请日期 2009.09.22
分类号 G01M3/04 主分类号 G01M3/04
代理机构 代理人