发明名称 Method for acquiring and processing magnetometric data by local updates in real time
摘要 The invention concerns a method for acquiring and processing magnetometric data for representing on an at least two-dimensional map magnetometric characteristics of a geographical zone including a step of measuring the intensity of a magnetic field (1) on a geographical zone producing a set of magnetometric data of intensity B(s), a step of computing 2D interpolation (3), a step of computing reduction at the poles (5) and a step of computing an analytical signal (7). The invention is characterized in that it includes sectioning the map of magnetic disturbances into a matrix of pixels, a step of locally updating in real time the map of magnetic anomalies, a step of locally updating in real time the map of 2D interpolation by applying the 2D interpolation calculation in the neighborhood of the updated pixel, a step of locally updating in real time the 2D map of reduction at the poles and a step of locally updating in real time the 2D map of the analytical signal.
申请公布号 US7908085(B2) 申请公布日期 2011.03.15
申请号 US20060988505 申请日期 2006.07.11
分类号 G01V3/38 主分类号 G01V3/38
代理机构 代理人