发明名称 Personnel and vehicle identification system using three factors of authentication
摘要 The Personnel And Vehicle Identification System Using Three Factors of Authentication (PAVIS-3) invention is a novel approach that combines the three authentication factors using contactless token, contactless biometric, and the unique position of said biometric presented by a person to allow rapid authentication and access to a base or building. This invention has the real potential to reduce manpower at base gates, building, and greatly improve system security. A vehicle with a contactless token such as an RFID, proximity chip, or barcode, approaches an entry lane at a base, the contactless token is read, verified, (first factor) queuing the individual's file with a biometric template and personal identification position. The biometric image is taken, reduced to a template, compared with the template in the database and if matched (second factor) the body position is examined to see if it matches the personal identification position (third factor) as a normal or covert distressed signal. If normal the vehicle is given a green light, if any match fails the vehicle is directed to the visitor's lane.
申请公布号 US7898385(B2) 申请公布日期 2011.03.01
申请号 US20020179971 申请日期 2002.06.26
分类号 H04Q1/00;G07C9/00;G07C9/02 主分类号 H04Q1/00
代理机构 代理人