发明名称 Improvements in obtaining prophylactic and therapeutical vaccines
摘要 <p>Process for obtaining a prophylactic or therapeutic vaccine against a specific disease is characterized by taking blood direct from a person or animal having the disease, diluting it with an isotonic liquid to a concentration of from 1 in 30 to 1 in 1000, and destroying or attenuating the virulence of the pathogenic agents by physical, chemical or biological means, there being no cultivation of the active principle of the vaccine in an artifical medium. The dilution may be carried out with physiological saline. In preparing a prophylactic vaccine against "polio" blood is taken from a monkey convalescing from the disease, diuted with physiological saline and the coloured constituents removed. The so-formed serum is irradiated with ultra-violet light and placed in a sterile bottle. A second monkey is inoculated with the same virus as the first, and venous blood removed during the fever period. This is diluted with saline. 25 per cent of the total volume is further diluted with physiological saline and exposed to ultra-violet light, and bottled. A second 25 per cent is mixed with the treated serum from the first animal and the remainder is diluted with physiological saline. The three preparations are injected according to a special schedule described in the Specification. For oral administration the preparations may be enclosed in suitable enteric capsules. The preparation of a therapeutic vaccine against undulant fever is described.</p>
申请公布号 GB767839(A) 申请公布日期 1957.02.06
申请号 GB19540011808 申请日期 1954.04.23
分类号 A61K39/00;A61K39/13 主分类号 A61K39/00
代理机构 代理人