发明名称 Structure Of An Apparatus For Sharing Video Input/Output Modules Among Handheld Devices
摘要 A structure of an apparatus for sharing video input/output modules among handheld devices is provided, including a sharing slot, with a top golden finger part and a bus cable to form a first signal path from the video input module of a handheld device, and a bottom golden finger part and a bus cable and a connector to from a second signal path to a video input processor of the handheld device. The present invention may further include a bypass element for shorting the two signal paths by connecting the top golden finger part and the bottom golden finger part of the sharing slot. With the present invention, a second handheld device having extending signal paths can be inserted into the sharing slot of the first handheld to use the video input/output module of the first handheld device to accomplish the sharing of video input/output modules among handheld devices.
申请公布号 US2011007217(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.01.13
申请号 US20090499189 申请日期 2009.07.08
分类号 H04N3/27 主分类号 H04N3/27
代理机构 代理人