发明名称 Method of correcting spinal fusion
摘要 The invention relates to medicine, namely traumatology and orthopedics, and can be used in the treatment of spinal column injuries, namely compression fractures of vertebral bodies. The method of correcting spinal fusion consists in that preliminarily, according to X-ray computed tomography data, it is determined the height of injury of the vertebral body or vertebrae and the anterior-posterior diameter of the adjacent vertebral bodies, in accordance with which there are prepared oval bone cuneiform allografts from the diaphysis of cortical bones. Then it is carried out the anterior or anterior-lateral surgical access to the injured vertebra, as well as to the adjacent vertebrae. It is carried out the curettage of injured disks and removal of the injured part of the vertebral body, forming a bed for the bone allograft. On the anterior surface of the injured vertebral body, as well as of the adjacent ones there are introduced screws with perforation of both cortical layers. Through the heads of the screws it is passed a longitudinal rod, which is preliminarily bent according to the physiological curves of the corresponding section of the vertebral column. Then, the bent longitudinal rod is nonrigidly fixed to the heads of the screws with the concave side oriented towards the lateral surface of the vertebral bodies, afterwards the bent longitudinal rod is rotated by 90? towards the posterior direction in the lumbar region and the anterior in the thoracic region. The cavity of the bone allograft is filled with spongy bone from the removed fragments of the injured vertebral body or with osteoinductive material. It is performed the distraction which exceeds by 2-3 mm the intervertebral physiological diastasis of each vertebral segment subjected to surgical intervention. Then, in each space is introduced a cuneiform allograft into the formed bed, it is weakened the distraction, after which the wound is sutured in layers.
申请公布号 MD304(Y) 申请公布日期 2010.12.31
申请号 MDS20100148 申请日期 2010.09.10
分类号 A61B17/56;A61B17/70 主分类号 A61B17/56
代理机构 代理人