发明名称 Web-based home-loan modification assessment method
摘要 The web-based home-loan assessment system and mortgage brokerage service is for use in preparing a detailed financial statement of borrower's income and expenses that the lender uses in making an informed determination on whether or not to modify the borrower's mortgage agreement. The system comprises a website, a data input device, and a processor. The website is easily found on the Internet using common search engines. The website is specifically designed to streamline the information gathering process. The data input device can be a keypad, a pda, or a phone. The borrower submits answers online to the user-friendly questionnaire through the website about his current financial status and his mortgage agreement with the lender. Once the personal data has been submitted, a processor associated organizes the personal data into a request form for a loan modification. The website processor determines the amount that the borrower is able to afford using either a front end debt-to-income ratio, or back end debt-to-income ratio. The net present value of the real property is then calculated, the net present value being a function of net proceeds the lender receives from the real property if the borrower defaults. The request form is then submitted to the borrower for review and approval in real time. If the calculations support modifying the mortgage agreement, the information is submitted to the lender for review and consideration. The web-based home-loan modification system also preferably includes a web-based mortgage brokerage service that enables personal data to be submitted and organized for subsequent consideration for application to a mortgage broker or lender to qualify for a mortgage on a second real property, said mortgage application being submitted for review by said user in real time. The web-based home-loan modification system also includes a rental assessment service enabling the user to conduct a market analysis via the website of selected rental properties in a selected community in real time.
申请公布号 US2010306100(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.12.02
申请号 US20100798905 申请日期 2010.04.13
分类号 G06Q40/00 主分类号 G06Q40/00
代理机构 代理人