发明名称 Signal processing techniques for improving the sensitivity of GPS receivers
摘要 A system for measuring the pseudo range from a first GPS sensor to a designated navigational satellite, for use in a satellite positioning system (SPS) is comprised of first and second GPS sensors for receiving and recording first and second portions of the signal transmitted by the designated navigational satellite, the recordings referred to as the first and second datagrams; and means for transmitting the first and second datagrams to a datagram processing facility wherein the pseudo range from the first GPS sensor to the designated navigational satellite is extracted. The datagram processing facility for extracting the pseudo range is further comprised of a pseudo range engine for extracting a pseudo range from a datagram originating with said first GPS sensor, the location of which is to be determined, the extraction accomplished with the aid of a perfect reference; and a perfect reference engine for generating a perfect reference from a datagram originating with a second GPS sensor designated for the express purpose of perfect reference generation. The perfect reference reduces the minimum number of satellites required to fix a position from four to three, and further enables the pseudo range engine to recombine multi-path GPS signals.
申请公布号 US2010283672(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.11.11
申请号 US20090387888 申请日期 2009.05.09
分类号 G01S19/42 主分类号 G01S19/42
代理机构 代理人