发明名称 Methods and apparatus for determining and displaying a transaction reset metric
摘要 An apparatus for determining and displaying a transaction reset metric of individual transactions between host devices operating over a network includes a network management device, a processor, and a display device. The network management device monitors flows between the hosts, where the individual flows include individual transactions involving exchanges of packets. The network management device identifies flow resets that terminate flows between hosts. The processor evaluates the flow resets by identifying each flow reset that occurred during an incomplete transaction as a transaction reset and computes a transaction reset count metric as the sum of transaction resets that occur. The processor also identifies individual transactions terminated by a transaction reset. The display device displays on an individual transaction basis whether or not individual transactions were terminated by a transaction reset and displays the transaction reset count metric for selected portions of the network under test.
申请公布号 EP2222028(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.08.25
申请号 EP20090010528 申请日期 2009.08.15
分类号 H04L12/24;H04L12/26;H04L29/06 主分类号 H04L12/24
代理机构 代理人