发明名称 Learning computer
摘要 1. Learning computer accepts lesson of subprime crisis: future of credit risk is not predictable. As millions of debtors not paying interest demonstrate falsifying fundamentals in the computer technology. Hierarchy of order and obedience is formalism not able to guaranty freedom of contradiction in computer program causing countless defaults and blackouts in computers. 2. Birth of computer achieved Alan Turing 1936 "if reason is obedience to rules of logics then machines can think". Formalized reason fails in financial crisis and Iraq illustrating: future is unpredictable, reality is uncontrollable by power. Learning computers do not order reality how it has to be but anticipates autarkic reality by simulation: learning by virtualizing world complexity. 3. Learning computer turns from obedience to competition which produces transparency of contents by contradictions of hypotheses striving for acceptance as truth by the community. Competition is random generator maximizing variation in hypotheses making selection efficient. 4. Computers were machines executing the will of constructor and programmer but learning computers are systems producing best possible information. Which language alone can not produce - since coding of 26 letters with generative grammar achieves boundless creativity of ideas but can not tell what is reality. Innovation is computer consisting of subsystems for word, picture, money, tactile contact to produce feedbacks of reality. In subprime crisis money taught words claiming able to predict the future are wrong. The renewal are selfcontrolling computers. 5. Innovation is not homogeneity but diversity makes chips community efficient. By simulating complexity of world reality in preparing decision with information not taken as absolute eternal truth but evaluation of situations. Information is relative to time and space as Einstein found, 6. Differences are not eternal friend/ennemy-divisions but "schema to produces information", Immanuel Kant "Critics of Reason", and "truth is hypothesis that proves in reality", Karl Popper, 7. Information is divided of human since telegraph to Global Village. The learning computers radicalize information systems without persons - abstract communication of pure information.
申请公布号 EP2204763(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.07.07
申请号 EP20080022312 申请日期 2008.12.23
分类号 G06N99/00 主分类号 G06N99/00
代理机构 代理人