发明名称 Method and system for delivery of secure software license information
摘要 A system and method for delivery of secure software license information to authorize the use of a software program is disclosed. The method and system comprises a computer system for executing the software program and the authorizing program, and a license server, connected to the computer system over a network. The method and system include associating a publisher certificate and a signed product key pair with the program to be authorized, generating a license request containing user and product information and signed by the private key from the product key pair, transmitting the license request to a license server, generating a license using data extracted from the license request and license terms, signing the license with the publisher private key associated with the publisher certificate, transmitting the license to the authorization program, validating the license using the publisher certificate, and using the license terms to control the use of the software program.
申请公布号 US7747531(B2) 申请公布日期 2010.06.29
申请号 US20020072597 申请日期 2002.02.05
分类号 G06Q99/00;G06F21/00 主分类号 G06Q99/00
代理机构 代理人