发明名称 Process of concentrating niobium minerals by froth flotation
摘要 <p>Niobium minerals are concentrated by a froth flotation process in which 8-quinolinol is used as collector agent. Preferably, the ore is subjected to the following preliminary operation (in which the order of the steps is immaterial):-(1) flotation to remove calcite and apatite, (2) desliming, (3) flotation to remove mica and iron sulphide minerals, and (4) magnetic separation to remove magnetite: the ore pulp thus produced is de-watered and re-pulped in 8-quinolinol-containing solution (recovered from the niobium-bearing froth and the tailings of the principal flotation step) prior to undergoing the principal flotation, in which burner oil and pine oil may also be used. Ores and minerals referred to are betafite, carbonatite, columbite, nicocalite, perovskite, pyrochlore and quartz-monzonite.</p>
申请公布号 GB798768(A) 申请公布日期 1958.07.23
申请号 GB19560037059 申请日期 1956.12.04
分类号 B03D1/01;C01G33/00 主分类号 B03D1/01
代理机构 代理人