发明名称 Distributed File System Consistency Mechanism Extension for Enabling Internet Video Broadcasting
摘要 The consistency callback mechanisms employed by local file systems such as NTFS and distributed file systems such as DDS, NFS and CIFS are extended to provide a shared memory foundation for efficiently broadcasting real-time high definition video from a source object to large numbers of viewers via the Internet. Distributed applications such as video viewing client applications establish connections to a common distributed file system object, and then each application registers with the underlying distributed file system to receive notifications whenever the video source modifies the source object. The data required to update images maintained by viewing clients is included in notification messages. The distributed file system employs a network of proxy cache nodes. Proxy cache nodes receive notification messages (complete with image update data) and update their cached images of the source object and then retransmit the notification messages towards the viewing clients using IP multicast techniques. In this manner, the distributed file system's consistency mechanism efficiently employs network resources to enable the real-time distribution of video content streams.
申请公布号 US2010082774(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.04.01
申请号 US20090632301 申请日期 2009.12.07
分类号 G06F17/30;G06F15/16 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人