发明名称 Synthetic grass
摘要 <p>A synthetic grass assembly for installation on a supporting substrate comprising a pile fabric with a flexible sheet backing (1) and a plurality of upstanding synthetic ribbons (2) of a selected length, the ribbons (2) extending upwardly from an upper surface of the backing (1), an infill layer (3) of particulate material disposed interstitially between the upstanding ribbons (2) upon the upper surface of the backing (1) with a depth less than the length of the ribbons, the particulate material selected from the group consisting of hard and resilient granules. The infill layer (3) comprises a bottom course (5) of intermixed hard and resilient granules of substantially identical size distribution, disposed upon the top surface of the backing (1), and a top course (6) substantially exclusively of resilient granules disposed upon the bottom course (5), an upper portion of the synthetic ribbons (2) extends upwardly from a top surface of the top course (6).</p>
申请公布号 EP2166153(A2) 申请公布日期 2010.03.24
申请号 EP20080007368 申请日期 2001.06.21
分类号 E01C13/08 主分类号 E01C13/08
代理机构 代理人