发明名称 Unified spectral and Geospatial Information Model and the Method and System Generating It
摘要 This invention relates to a product called unified spectral and geospatial information model and the method and system that generates the model. Here, the unified spectral and geospatial information model comprises an airborne image of ground surface and the three-dimensional coordinate system associated with the image. The image in such a model has three-dimensional XYZ coordinates in a ground coordinate system for every pixel of the image and multiple pixels of the image can have same XY coordinates. And, the XYZ coordinates of all the pixels of the image are uniquely attributed by the method and system presented in this invention. Allowing multiple pixels to have same XY coordinates is a uniqueness of this invented unified spectral and geospatial information model. An image of the unified spectral and geospatial information model always covers a scene of ground surface of the real world. All objects visible in such a scene are measurable in terms of radiometry and geometry, which makes it a unified spectral and geospatial information model. The unified spectral and geospatial information model can be made by the method and system of this invention with airborne imagery, GPS/IMU data, and ground surface elevation or range data. From an unified spectral and geospatial information model, one can read color information either in RGB or multi-spectral for radiometry and also make direct measurements of geospatial information. Additionally, application systems that utilize the unified spectral and geospatial information models can make three-dimensional displays or perspective views of the ground surface other three-dimensional manipulation and simulation of ground surface.
申请公布号 US2010066740(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.03.18
申请号 US20090605333 申请日期 2009.10.24
分类号 G06T17/00 主分类号 G06T17/00
代理机构 代理人